In the Oxford School Dictionary,
"Justice" is defined as 'being just: fair treatment'.
In my dictionary, Justice is not about giving that terrorist the death sentence.
In my dictionary, Justice is not about jailing that rapist.
In my dictionary, Justice is not about punishing that boy who bullied that girl.
In my dictionary, Justice is about fighting for yourself: Just for yourself.
In my world, Lady Justice doesn't do her job; I do her job.
If I am born a deer, I will hunt and kill tigers.
If I am born into a poor family, I will rob the wealthy of their riches.
If I am born without legs, I will break everyone's legs.
If I am born hearing impaired, I will slice of everyone's ears.
That is Justice.
My name is Lilith Ng and I am HIV-positive.
All these books are recommended for teenagers as it reflects our life story
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